Neonatal Nurse Practitioner

NCC Board Certification as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP-BC®)

This board certification is offered with Computer Testing at a Computer Test Center and through Live Remote Proctoring (LRP). LRP is a secure and non-invasive platform that uses professional proctors and technology to monitor examinees' live while they complete their certification exam. This method of test delivery allows the examinee to take the certification exam from their home, office, or a remote site, using their own computer.   If you choose this method of testing, you must test your computer before you schedule and schedule it early.  Read the details of LRP prior to scheduling your exam. More information can be found at "Testing with LRP"

The purpose of the Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Core Board Certification is to provide an entry-level, competency-based examination that tests specialty knowledge and the application of that knowledge for licensed registered nurses in the US and Canada who have completed a US accredited nurse practitioner program in the role of a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner to provide neonatal critical care to acutely and critically ill neonatal patients and their families within intensive/critical care units, hospitals or outpatient settings. 


Computer Exam

See Overview for more information

Apply for Computer Exam

Only online registrations on this website are accepted. Applications submitted by mail, fax or email will not be accepted and will be returned to the individual.

This registration portal is only for those taking the test via computer. If you are taking the test as part of a review course or with a bulk voucher code, select Special Testing Opportunities from the menu on the right. If you don't know your voucher code you will need to contact the review course or bulk purchase provider.  Contact NCC at contact us for further instructions.

(PDF) Registration Catalog - Eligibility, Overview, Fees and Policies
(PDF) Guide to Testing Methods - Rules, Procedures and What to Expect

(PDF) Candidate Guides - Exam Content, Competency Statements, Study Resources and Scoring


Eligibility Requirements

  • Current/active/unencumbered U.S. nursing or advanced practice nursing licensure is required. (Canadian licensure accepted if the APRN graduated from an NCC approved US program or a US accredited Canadian program.)
  • Successful completion of an accredited graduate nurse practitioner program that meets NCC program requirements and prepares neonatal nurse practitioners. The program can be a master's DNP or post-master's. NCC no longer accepts certificate prepared applicants.
  • You must take the exam within 8 years of graduation from your program.
  • PDF file of your diploma for upload to the NCC website.
  • PDF file of your official transcript which documents successful completion of all course work and indicates NNP program. This must be issued from the school registrar and uploaded with your application. Do NOT have the registrar send separately.
  • Post-Master's applicants also need to upload a PDF of their certificate of completion.
  • Complete details are in the NP Examination Registration Catalog.

Cost for Computer testing

  • $325 which is composed of a $50 non-refundable application submission cost and a $275 testing fee.
  • Incomplete applications are subject to a $30 reprocessing fee.
    • After the exam is purchased, there is a 6-hour window to cancel the order. The order can be canceled by going into your account and clicking on the "Cancel Application" under the new certification. 
    • After 6 hours, an Exam withdrawal Request, for a partial refund, is required. 

Details for Computer Testing

  • There are no application deadlines and a candidate may submit an application at any time.
  • It can take 1 to 14 days to process, review and approve an application.
  • Please be sure you are prepared to take the exam within 90 days of the application before you submit
  • Eligibility letters are emailed and can also be found in your account.
  • If you do not receive your eligibility letter or have an eligibility letter in your account within 2 weeks of your exam application submission confirmation, please "CONTACT US" and choose "My application that I already submitted. 
  • If determined eligible, you will be placed in the next available 90-day window to schedule and take your exam.
  • You can schedule your exam for live remote proctoring or at a test center directly from your account by clicking on the "Schedule or Launch the exam" link. You can also schedule your own exam appointment with AMP/PSI either by phone or via the internet. See your eligibility letter for contact information.
  • Online proctored exams are delivered by appointment 24 hours a day.
  • Test Center Exams will be delivered by appointment only Monday through Saturday (Occassionally Sundays) at 9:00 am and 1:30 pm, via computer at over 100 AMP Assessment Centers geographically located throughout the United States. Sites are subject to change.  Call the PSI scheduling line at 1-833-256-1426 for more information. 
  • Candidates are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. However, there is a requirement that a minimum of 4 business days occurs between the time of scheduling and the test date.
  • Exams must be scheduled within the first 30-days of the eligibility window. It is recommended that you schedule your testing appointment as soon as possible, as testing sites cannot be guaranteed if you wait. If you wait beyond the 30-day requirement all testing appointments may be taken.  If this occurs you may have to travel to another site or pay $125.00 to change your eligibility window. 
  • Prior to attempting the examination, you will be given the opportunity to practice taking a test on your computer.
  • A candidate who fails to report for an examination will not receive a refund but may change their mode of testing. Learn more about eligibility and fees to change your testing date, method of testing or exam category.
  • It is recommended that you read the Registration Catalog, Candidate Guide, NCC Guide to Testing Methods and website materials for the exam you are taking so you can become familiar with all NCC policies and procedures.  You will be subject to them so it is to your advantage to understand the certification process and rules. 

How will the results be disseminated?

  • NO RESULTS ARE PROVIDED IMMEDIATELY AFTER TESTING FOR ANY EXAM FORMAT. After completing the examination, an email will be sent by the testing company explaining how test results can be obtained. 
  • Official results, with the score report, can be found in your NCC account within 15 business days of computer exam administration (the date of certification is based on the date on the official results, not the exam date). You will receive an email when your test results are in your account but you can check your account at any time by signing in using your user name (email) and password. 
  • When new forms of an exam or new test grids are developed official results can take up to 21 BUSINESS days
  • You are not certified until your official results are in your account.
  • Test result reports are NOT available by phone or email. Pass/Fail results can only be seen in your account. 
  • NCC reserves the right to cancel test scores when there is reason to believe that scores are invalid. Proof of misconduct is not required to cancel scores.


  • This exam is a 3-hour test consisting of 175 multiple-choice items.  Of the 175 items, 150 are scored and 25 are used to gather statistical data on item performance for future exams.