Exam Withdrawal
Withdrawal Policy - Computer Testing
- All withdrawal requests must be submitted online at the NCC website BEFORE the final day of the original eligibility window.
- There are no refunds for bulk purchase voucher for any reason
- To withdraw you CANNOT have a scheduled appointment to take an exam through PSI/AMP
- If you have a scheduled appointment you will be unable to withdraw until you cancel the appointment directly with PSI/AMP. You must call scheduling at 833-256-1426 and UNSCHEDULE the exam prior to submitting the withdrawal application with NCC. You can also cancel your appointment by logging into your account and clicking on the "Scheduling or Launch Exam" link.
- Any test appointment with PSI/AMP must be canceled/unscheduled no later than four business days prior to the scheduled testing date.
- PSI/AMP can only remove you from the test schedule after you have canceled the test date. After you have canceled, you can complete the NCC online withdrawal below.
- Anyone who has previously requested an exam change of any kind, including a requested extension or deferral is not eligible to withdraw.
- A withdrawal request cannot be submitted on the last day of the eligibility window.
- No refund will be considered after the original eligibility window expires.
Withdrawal is not an option for candidates who register using a bulk purchase voucher
Refunds for Withdrawing Candidates
- Candidates withdrawing from a Core or NP Certification exam will receive a $160 refund of their $325 payment.*
- Candidates withdrawing from a Subspecialty exam will receive a $105 refund of their $210 payment.*
*Minus any outstanding Fees
Submit a withdrawal request