SECOND CHANCE FREE: REGISTER between February 1, 2025 and September 30, 2025. Click HERE to see details.
How do I apply?
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If you have a voucher code
If you have a voucher code from a review program or have a bulk purchase voucher code make sure you register under the "Special testing opportunities" (See link on right side of the page). If you register below you will not receive the benefits of the voucher system and will have to follow all policies related to exam registration.
Available certification exams for Computer Testing:
Computer Test Center
Live Remote Proctoring
COMPUTER EXAM: Below are available certifications for Computer Examinations. All NCC exams are offered at Computer Testing Centers. The closest site may be several hours away. Usually, there are sites within 2-4 hours but this can change. See the information in the Test Guide.
If you choose this mode of delivery please be sure you can travel to the test center and that you schedule early. Click here for a list of the available test centers and locations near you "Available TEST CENTERS".LIVE REMOTE PROCTORING: Ten of the 12 exams are also offered by Live Remote Proctoring. The links below will take you to more information about the exam and methods of testing.
- You are required to upload a copy of your license or license verification from the licensing board that includes the Licensing state, your name, type of license, expiration of the license, and the website if it is from a verification portal.
- The majority of nursing licenses can be obtained at The remaining licenses can be obtained from the licensing board in your state. Helpful directions for using Nursys: GUIDE TO NURSYS
Available certification exams for LIVE REMOTE PROCTORING.
Ten of NCC's exams are offered through Live Remote Proctoring (LRP). Read more about LRP at
Testing with Live Remote Proctoring
Available certification exams
Registration for this Exam begins on February 1, 2025 and testing begins on March 15, 2025.
- Obstetric Emergencies (C-OBE) is coming soon with registration in June of 2025.
Subspecialties (Multidisciplinary Exams) Most may test with LRP
(ABOG-approved EFM certification to meet the annual Improvement in Medical Practice (Part IV) MOC requirement 2023-2024)
Core certification (Most may test with LRP )
Nurse Practitioner Board certification (May test with LRP)
All accredited NCC certifications are approved for MAGNET.
NCC Core and subspecialty certification programs are accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) for a five-year period through March 31, 2025. Care of the Extremely Low Birthweight Infants is accredited for a five-year period through April 2026. Obstetric and Neonatal Quality and Safety is accredited for a five-year period through November 30, 2026. Inpatient Antepartum Nursing is accredited for a five-year period through December 31, 2028.
NCC nurse practitioner certification programs are accredited by both the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC) for a five-year period through October 2026 and the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) for a five-year period through March 31, 2025.
Important Information and Links
How will the results be disseminated?
Verification of certification
- Verification of certification status to third parties cannot be made until after the official results are posted in your account.
- Verifications are done ONLY through the online verification system. There are fees for verifications and more information can be found at This process requires the certificants NCC ID number and is usually initiated by the certificant. Primary source verification, meaning the entity requesting the verification requires the verification to come from NCC directly and not the individual certified professional can be obtained by the state board of nursing directly or requested by the certificate from the verification link.
- NCC does not send verifications to state boards of nursing or any other entity automatically. The individual holding the NCC certification must initiate the verification process via the online verification system. Others can initiate a verification if the certificate has provided them with their NCC ID.
- Official documentation of the NCC certification is available to the individual certified professional at any time free of charge from their NCC account on the NCC website. This information is password protected. To access, the individual must first sign in with their email and password.
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If you wish to retest:
- You must wait 45 days from the date the exam was taken for all computer exams to register again. (this date is provided in your results notification)
- If you have difficulties testing using Live Remote Proctoring you will have to retest at a Computer Test Center.
- You must submit another application with full documentation, including a current license.
- You must pay the current examination fee
- If an applicant files earlier than 45 days from the date the exam was taken, the application will be determined ineligible. The applicant will be subject to the $50 nonrefundable application fee
- The exam can only be taken TWICE in a calendar year
- There is no limit on how many times an individual can retest
The ability to retest is intended to decrease the probability that a candidate will be incorrectly classified as not meeting the knowledge competencies for the certification. The retesting policy is designed to prevent unwarranted score gains in the professional certification exams. The 45-day window between testing is used to minimize the impact of test security and exposure to the exam. Failing candidates should use the results report and the performance indicators to identify areas where additional study may be needed before retesting.
Internet Disconnection, Power Outages, or Site Issues during an Exam:
- If you start the exam and are disconnected please use the PSI tech lines if you are testing with LRP or if at a test center please discuss with the proctor to attempt to get reconnected and continue testing.
- If you are unable to get reconnected after starting the exam, the timing for a second attempt to take the exam will be based on how much time and how many questions you were exposed to. If you are disconnected and cannot be reconnected and have tested for under 15 minutes and were exposed to less than 10% of the exam you will be rescheduled within your current eligibility window. You must work directly with PSI that day to reschedule and if you run into any issues you must notify NCC within 3 days of testing. If you tested for longer than 15 minutes and/or saw more than 10% of the questions on the exam you will have to wait 45 days and will be rescheduled. A decision on the timing of your second attempt will be made after reviewing the test exposure. Please note, you will need to retest at a computer center. Please notify NCC when you arrive home from the test site.
Special testing opportunities for use of VOUCHER CODES