Nurse Practioner Program Profile

NCC must review and approve your program prior to graduates being able to participate in the certification process. Please review the following eligibility criteria.

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Neonatal Nurse Practitioner

Listed below are the minimum requirements that programs must meet for graduates to be considered eligible for the NCC Neonatal Nurse Pactitioner examinations:

NCC Guidelines for Neonatal Nursing Practioner Programs

Content CategoryDidactic HoursClinical Hours
General Assessment - 15% 30 90
General Management (includes Family Integration) - 25% 50 150
The Disease Process - 60% 120 360
Total 200 600
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Women's Health Care Nurse Practitioner

Listed below are the minimum requirements that programs must meet for graduates to be considered eligible for the NCC Women's Health Care Nurse Practitioner examinations:

NCC Guidelines for Women's Health Care Nurse Practioner Programs

Content CategoryDidactic HoursClinical Hours
Primary Care (15%) 30 90
Gynecology (40%) 80 240
Obstetrics (30%) 60 180
Pharmacology (15%) 30 90
Total 200 600
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