Live Remote Proctoring (Online Proctoring) is a secure and non-invasive platform that uses professional proctors and technology to monitor examinees live while they complete the certification exam. This method of test delivery allows the examinee to take the certification exam from their home, office, or another online site, using their own computer. The process is secure, easily accessible, and monitors testing activity while recording all aspects of the exam session. PSI is the testing agency that offers Live Online Proctoring for NCC Certification examinations.
Candidates who would like to choose live remote proctoring must run a system check and webcam test on the computer they plan to take the examination on to ensure it will meet online proctoring requirements. If they meet the requirements, they can move forward with scheduling a Live Remote online Proctored exam. See several links below that will assist you with ensuring you are reading for the online examination.
Exam by Live Remote Proctoring – Preparation
You must make sure the computer meets all 1) technical requirements, 2) specifications, and 3) compatibility requirements.
Requirements for testing with LRP require you to ensure all technical, system, and compatibility requirements are met. If your computer does not meet these requirements on the day of testing you may not be able to test and you will need to reapply and pay another registration fee for a second exam attempt.
1) Technical Requirements
Laptop or desktop computer
- Windows or Mac only; iPad, Chromebook, mobile devices, virtual machines, and other tablets will NOT work and cannot be used. Touchscreens cannot be used.
- The use of a personal computer is strongly recommended as work computers often limit administrative access which is required to detect and close certain programs. If you plan to use a work computer you must have administrative rights with permission to disable the firewall for remote access, to share your screen, and to end any running programs.
- Webcam, Microphone, and Speakers (Camera and Mic must be functional and available for testing). Make sure you are able to do a 360-degree room scan including looking under the desk. This may require an external camera. A HD 1080p camera is recommended but not required.
- Guides to the PSI test site online proctoring can be found at "PSI ONLINE PROCTORING"
- Most applications must be closed on your computer. You must have permission to close running applications. Go to "Task Manager" click on the "Processes" and "Services" tabs and look for the top 10 listed applications. Some of the top 10 prohibited applications to ensure are closed are:

- Stable Broadband Internet Connection – Minimum 500 Kbps; we recommend 5Mbps or higher upload and download. Use the following link to test your internet speed "INTERNET SPEED"
- A wired connection is preferred over wireless (WIFI)
- Screen resolution 1368 x 769 or higher
- The current version of Google Chrome or some other Chromium-based browser is best. to find out what browser version you have click on HOW DO I KNOW THE BROWSER VERSION.
- Flash player (for PC users) is no longer supported
- Ability to download and install the PSI Bridge secure browser. In work or outside environments with firewalls, you must have administrative access to disable the firewall and install this browser. This must be insured prior to taking an exam on a work computer or when using wifi that may have a firewall (e.g Hotels). The compatibility test does not test for administrative rights, technical requirements, computer specifications, running programs, and firewalls.
- Dual screens are not allowed
- Shared devices and work devices are not recommended. If using a shared/work device administrative access is required to ensure all profiles are logged out and there are no open sessions for prohibited applications running in alternate profiles.
- Make sure you have the PSI Tech support number available if needed during the testing process. It is in your eligibility letter.
2) System Specifications
System requirements can change and it is the candidates' responsibility to ensure they meet the requirements for the operating system (PC or MAC), screen resolution, bandwidth, microphone, and camera. Please check the most current requirements at PSI SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS..
Firefox and Chrome are supported for PC. Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer are not. For Mac users Safari, Firefox or Chrome can be used.
If you have not already done so you should do computer compatibility and webcam check now using the computer you plan to test on. If you cannot pass compatibility, contact technical support for assistance before booking your online examination. (Technical support Inside the U.S. (855) 560-3721 and Outside the U.S. 1-617-564-9052). It is advantageous to run the compatibility check at the same time of day and in the same test environment you intend to take your exam.
If the computer is compatible and meets all technical and system requirements, you can proceed to register to take an exam. If not, try another computer or consider taking the test at the Computer Testing Center (the test is taken at a PSI/AMP center). If you are not using a personal computer or if you are using a work computer or taking the exam in an environment with firewalls, you must ensure you have administrative rights to disable the firewall and allow for the secure download prior to your exam. This must be ensured prior to taking an examination on a work computer or when using WIFI that may have a firewall. The compatibility link does not check for operating system requirements, technical requirements, or administrative rights to disable the firewall or close unapproved applications.
PSI provides a guide to candidates who choose online testing. The guide can be found HERE. In addition, PSI will send you an IMPORTANT TUTORIAL TO INSURE YOU ARE READY: If you schedule an exam using live remote proctoring, you will receive a link in the confirmation email from the testing vendor (PSI) that will include access to the PSI LRP Tutorial. This tutorial is critical to success in taking any LRP exam offered by PSI.
What the Tutorial Checks: (Must be completed on the computer you will use to take the exam)
- Microphone
- System adherence to the exam
- Instructions for Photo Identification Card Requirements
- Room Scan Instructions
- Practice questions
If you are having issues launching the tutorial, please contact (
PSI tech support number 855- 560-3721)
- Run the tutorial in the environment you plan on taking your exam:
- Room
- Time
- Computer/laptop you plan on using
You can launch the tutorial 3 times up to 150 minute prior to the exam.
Candidates must be able to use the computer in a private room without interruption
When you schedule you will have the following options:
- Test center
- Remote Online Proctored Exam
- Prior to the day of the exam make sure you have completed the compatibility and webcam test on the computer you plan to test on and that you can log into your NCC account. The inability to log into your account on the day of the exam due to the inability to remember your username or password, or connect to the testing proctor due to computer incompatibility will require you to submit a change fee and reschedule. Make sure you take the tutorial on the computer you plan to test on at least 150 minutes before the examination time.
- On the day of your exam, please be at the location you plan to test up to 15 minutes early. (The room you will test in)
- Sign in to your NCC account at www.nccwebsite.org to initiate the exam launch process.
- Click on the “Schedule or Launch Exam” link in your account. PSI's scheduling and testing platform will open.
- Click the “Launch Exam” link.
- Follow the instruction from this point and work with the proctor.
- Please review the HELP information before starting your exam. It provides information on using the computer screen, calculator, bookmark, and comment box (as scratch paper). The Computer Testing Information provides some of this information and can be reviewed prior to the test date.
- If you have any technical issues launching your exam, please call PSI's Tech Support:
- Inside the U.S. (855) 560-3721
- Outside the U.S. 1-617-564-9052
- The Tech support number shows within the secure browser throughout the test after the examination is launched. It is also good to KEEP THE PSI TECH SUPPORT NUMBER WITH YOU IN CASE OF ISSUES LAUNCHING THE EXAM. It can also be found in your eligibility letter.
- When launching the exam please allow up to 30 minutes from the time your appointment was scheduled to get connected with the proctor and to begin the exam process.
- After 30 minutes from the time your appointment was scheduled if you are unable to connect to a proctor and are still in the queue to be connected. Call PSI technical services at (855) 560-3721) for assistance. If you are unable to connect after speaking with them you will need to call PSI Candidate Services at 833-256-1426 to reschedule your appointment. This may require a change fee. If you have any issues please email NCC at "CONTACT US".
- If you choose to test after a 30 min or longer wait time, this will not be a reason for a retest if you are not successful on the exam.
- If you start the exam and are disconnected please use the PSI tech lines above to call and attempt to get reconnected.
- If you are unable to get reconnected after starting the exam, the timing for a second attempt to take the exam will be based on how much time and how many questions you were exposed to. If you are disconnected and cannot be reconnected and have tested for under 15 minutes and were exposed to less than 10% of the exam you will be rescheduled within your current eligibility window. If you tested for longer than 15 minutes and/or saw more than 10% of the questions on the exam you will have to wait 45 days and will be rescheduled. A decision on the timing of your second attempt will be made after reviewing the test exposure. Please note, you will need to retest at a computer center.
Anyone unable to take the examination for any reason, using Live Online Proctoring will have to take the exam at a computer test center. Inability to connect with the proctor, inability to connect to the exam using personal computers, inability to download due to the use of WiFi with a firewall, or loss of internet service are key reasons an exam is stopped or cannot take place. Contact PSI using the tech support numbers above for issues connecting ((855) 560-3721). If you are unable to resolve and test after working with tech support, contact PSI with the number on your eligibility letter for rescheduling your appointment (833-256-1426) at a computer test center. You will be required to pay a change fee to reschedule ($125.00). After un-scheduling with PSI and submitting the change request, you may schedule using the scheduling link on your NCC account page. Please note you should not use the LRP option on your second attempt. If you schedule with LRP a second time and have any issues with taking the exam you will not have any further attempts and would have to register again, meet eligibility, and repay the registration fee.
Exam by Live Remote Proctoring – What to Expect
- All candidates must report to the test portal 15 minutes before the scheduled testing time. You can launch the exam platform within 30 minutes of your appointment time. A minimum of 15 minutes is needed for checking IDs, surveying the testing environment, and going through the security measures & exam rules.
- Anyone not starting the exam within 15 minutes of the scheduled appointment time, automatically forfeits the examination appointment and the ability to test using Live Remote Proctoring. Applicants who are late or fail to take the test can file a Change Request Form with applicable fees and will need to take the exam at a computer test center. If you are unable to obtain a computer test center date within your eligibility window and already made one change request, you will no longer be eligible and will have to apply and pay an exam registration fee again. There are no refunds.
- The time spent on the security measures and exam rules does not affect your testing time. You will have the full time allotted to take the exam.
- For the screen-sharing connection during the exam, candidates must download a program, which connects the candidate's screen to the proctor. (You must ensure you can get beyond the firewall in a hospital or outside of your home venue prior to your test date). Once the candidate has connected their screen to the proctor, the proctor connects the two-way video and audio connection. Once the exam is over, the session expires, and the remote connection is no longer valid. If you do not wish to complete the download, consider taking the test at a Computer Testing center (Tests are taken at a PSI/AMP center).
- A small program file will download to your computer. Click the file to open it and select “Run” to install the program. If any pop-ups ask if you approve, click Yes or Okay.
- A live proctor will connect with you via a chatbox. You’ll read the rules and sign off on them.
Identification Process
- A government-issued, non-expired, photo identification must be presented on exam day; All identification presented must be current or unexpired and contain a signature. The ID must have a photo, expiration date, and the first and last name must match your examination registration. Candidates will not be allowed to test without proper ID. (Driver's License, State identity card (non-driver license), Passport, Passport card, Green Card, Alien Registration, Permanent resident card, or National identification card). No forms of temporary identification will be accepted. Military IDs cannot be used. A second ID should be available in case of any concerns with the first ID.
- The proctor will confirm the candidate’s identification prior to starting the examination
- The proctor will ask you to show your photo ID. Hold it up to the webcam to verify your identity.
Testing Environment and Process
You can schedule and launch your exam right from your home or office computer but must have a microphone, webcam, speakers, and stable broadband internet. The Chrome browser is best to use.
- The system check should be completed prior to the test taker beginning the self-check-in and getting connected to a check-in specialist and proctor.
- The proctor will ask you to slowly move the webcam around the room to verify that you are alone and that your desk is clear of restricted items. If there are notes, drinks, a box of tissues, or any such items on your desk, you will be asked to remove them prior to releasing the exam.
- Breaks, food, and beverages are not allowed during testing unless an approved accommodation is on file for the scheduled examination. Address all personal needs before sitting for the examination.
- You will have an on-screen calculator to use and each question has a comment box if you need to write anything down. No scratch paper is allowed.
- If you need assistance during your exam, you should initiate a chat with the online test administrator using the in-exam chat tool.
- No conversing or any other form of communication is permitted once your exam has been released. If someone enters the room or you speak to anyone the examination will be ended. If an examination is ended for a major or 3 minor violations the exam will be terminated and you will be required to pay a full registration and meet eligibility again to have another testing opportunity.
- You are prohibited from reproducing, communicating, or transmitting any test content in any form for any purpose. Copying or communicating content is a violation of PSI security policy. Either one may result in the disqualification of examination results, may lead to legal action, and will be reported to your Licensing Authority/Sponsor.
- The testing environment will be surveyed by the proctor prior to testing. The testing computer must be in a private room and be able to be used without interruption. A proctor will continuously monitor both the test taker and the testing environment.
- No other people(i.e. guests, visitors, family members) or pets are allowed in the testing room. Put a sign on your door making sure everyone knows they cannot enter or even speak to you during the testing. This will terminate the examination.
- The workspace must be cleared of all materials, including books, papers, dictionaries, other reference materials, or personal items (e.g., purses, briefcases, coats). No scratch paper is allowed and you must use the comment box if you need to write down anything.
- No electronic devices(other than the computer being used to test) are allowed in the room! This includes cell/smartphones, signaling devices such as pagers and alarms, cameras or other photographic or duplicating devices, personal digital assistants (PDAs), recording devices or other hand-held computers, tablets, and digital music players (e.g., iPod & iPad).
- All jewelry(i.e., watches, necklaces, pins) and head coverings must be removed from the room prior to the testing session. If you require a head covering you need to test at a computer test center.
- Your launch button will be enabled when your exam is fully prepared for delivery.
- You may not exit the camera view or use a cell phone or other electronic devices during the examination. Your eyes must remain on the screen and you cannot look around the room or the exam will be ended.
- Your hands must be visible to the camera at all times. Talking or mouthing words while testing is prohibited. You may not cover your face or mouth with your hands.
- PSI requires all employees and exam takers to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner at all times. Exhibiting abusive behavior towards a proctor via chat or other candidates will be reported to your Licensing Authority/Sponsor and may result in criminal prosecution.
- The following is a list of major and minor events the proctor is watching for. Please note minor events will have 1-3 warnings from the proctor depending on the violation. After 1-3 warnings of minor events, the exam will be ended. Major events will end the exam immediately. Any exam ended for minor or major events ends the testing process. You would have to register again for the exam, meet eligibility, and pay the exam fee. There are no exceptions and you must wait 45 days from the date you originally tested. (The most common reason for termination of an examination is someone entering the room/ coming to the door and/or speaking to someone inside or outside the room). Click here to review the Major and Minor events.
Restrictions and Security
- The computer screen, questions, and browser are monitored by the proctor throughout the exam process. All information displayed on the computer screen during testing (instructions, questions, etc.) is the property of NCC and may not be reproduced in any form.
- No questions concerning the content of the examination may be asked during the test.
- No breaks will be permitted during the testing time.
- Core exams are 3 hours long and Subspecialty exams are 2 hours long.
- If any non-approved items are observed on the workspace after the examination is started, you will be dismissed, the test administration will end, and all fees will be forfeited.
- If testing has to be shut down for technical reasons related to the ability to use your computer or the WIFI, you will be required to reschedule at a computer test center (test is taken at a PSI/AMP testing center) and pay the additional change fee. PSI requires a 4 business day notice to reschedule. If you are unable to reschedule for a computer center exam within your eligibility window you will have to submit a change request along with a $125.00 fee to obtain a new eligibility window. Change requests must be submitted 4 business days before the scheduled test date and there are no refunds if you submit a change request and then take the exam as scheduled.
- Any questionable behavior will be reviewed on the webcam, chat logs, and audio from the time of authentication through submission of the examination. All recordings are deleted after 30 days.
If a candidate is dismissed by the proctor, the test administration will end, and all fees will be forfeited. The proctor may dismiss a candidate from the examination for any of the following reasons:
- the candidate gives or receives help or is suspected of doing so
- the candidate attempts to record test questions or to make notes
- the candidate displays and/or uses electronic communications equipment such as pagers, cellular phones, PDAs
- the candidate attempts to take the examination for someone else
- the candidate is observed with personal belongings
- the candidate is observed with notes, books, or other aids without it being previously approved by NCC
- any event that the proctor(s) deems as a compromise to the testing session
- someone comes to the door or the room or enters the room other than the candidate
- the candidate speaks to someone within or outside the room
If a candidate engages in misconduct and is dismissed -- the exam score will not be reported, and examination fees will not be refunded.
Forfeiture of Fees
All fees will be forfeited by the candidate if the candidate engages in any of the above-listed violations or any major/minor violations and is dismissed from the test administration.
Violation of any of the listed provisions results in dismissal from the testing session and having the candidate’s results on the examination voided and examination fees not refunded.
Timed Examination
After the security measures have been completed and the rules have been reviewed, the examination will start. During the exam, the browser is secured with no ability to copy, paste, screen capture, access other sites, use instant messaging applications, or run remote access/virtual machines.
Three (3) hours are allotted to complete the core examination
Two (2) hours are allotted to complete the subspecialty examination.
The examination will terminate if you exceed the time limit. You may click on the “Time” button in the lower right portion of the screen or select the TIME key to monitor your time. A digital clock indicating the time remaining for you to complete the examination will appear. The time feature may also be turned off during the examination. Only one test item is presented at a time. The item number appears on the screen. The entire test item appears on-screen (i.e., stem and three options labeled A, B, and C). Indicate your choice by either entering the letter of the option you think is correct (A, B, or C) or clicking on the option using the mouse. To change your answer, enter a different option by pressing the A, B, or C key or by clicking on the option using the mouse. You may change your answers as many times as you wish during the testing time limit.
To move to the next item, click on the forward arrow (>) in the lower right portion of the screen or select the NEXT key. This action will move you forward through the examination item by item. If you wish to review any item or items, click the backward arrow (<) or use the left arrow key to move backward through the examination.
A test item may be left unanswered and returned to later in the testing session. Items may also be bookmarked (flagged) for later review by clicking on the blank square to the right of the Time button. Click on the forward-pointing hand or select the NEXT key to advance to the next unanswered or bookmarked item on the examination. To identify all unanswered and bookmarked items, repeatedly click on the forward-pointing hand or press the NEXT key. When the examination is completed, the number of test items answered is reported. If all items have not been answered and there is time remaining, return to the examination and answer those items. Any unanswered question is considered a wrong answer. It is to your advantage to provide an answer for each test item before ending the examination.
Online comments may be provided for any item by clicking on the button displaying an exclamation point (!) to the left of the Time button. This opens a dialogue box where comments may be entered. Comments will be reviewed, but individual responses will not be provided. NOTE: The time to make comments will be counted toward the test time, and no comments are acceptable as answers.
Register to take a Certification Exam
Results Notification
- Official results, with the score report, can be found in your NCC account within 15 business days of computer exam administration (the date of certification is based on the date on the official results, not the exam date). You will receive an email when your test results are in your account but you can check your account at any time by signing in using your user name (email) and password.
- When new forms of an exam or new test grids are developed official results can take up to 21 BUSINESS days.
- When official results are in your account a certificate and pin will be mailed to the address you provided in your account. If you do not receive the certificate and pin within two weeks of getting your test results you must contact NCC. After 6 months a lost certificate and or pin will not be provided and would need to be purchased.
- You are not certified until your official results are in your account.
- Official results are NOT available by phone or email. Pass/fail status can be seen in your account after the official results have been posted.
Third-party notification of pass/fail status will not be released without authorization from the candidate. A $30 fee is required for any third-party notification or issuance of duplicate pass/fail reports. Such verifications will not be issued until written confirmation of pass/fail is made by NCC and the candidate is so notified. Verification requests can only be made via the online verification system on the NCC website. NCC no longer issues verifications via mail or fax.
Inclement Weather, Power Failure, Computer Errors, Disconnections for any reason, or Emergency
If you are unable to take your scheduled examination, due to inclement weather, power failure, computer errors, disconnection from the examination for any reason, or unforeseen emergencies, you may be able reschedule your exam ONCE at no charge by contacting PSI. PSI will determine whether the circumstances warrant the cancellation and subsequent rescheduling. This reschedule must occur within your 90-day testing window. If you have already used the one-time rescheduling option with PSI, then you will have to submit a "Change Request Form" (fees and restrictions apply).
If power is temporarily interrupted during an administration, or the examination is discontinued for any reason, your examination may be able to be restarted where you left off, and you may continue the examination. If you are unable to get reconnected after starting the exam, the timing for a second attempt to take the exam will be based on how much time and how many questions you were exposed to. If you are disconnected and cannot be reconnected and have tested for under 15 minutes and were exposed to less than 10% of the exam you will be rescheduled within your current eligibility window. If you tested for longer than 15 minutes and/or saw more than 10% of the questions on the exam you will have to wait 45 days and will be rescheduled. A decision on the timing of your second attempt will be made after reviewing the test exposure. Please note, you will need to retest at a computer center.
Fees not Refunded
A candidate will not receive a refund, but may file a Change Request Form with applicable fees, for any of the following reasons:
- Failure to log in to test portal (no-show)
- Failure to call for an appointment within the first 30 days of the 90-day window
- Login to the test portal too late
- Failure to have proper ID or to meet any required rule
What Happens if You Can’t Take the Exam or Need to Make a Change?
LRP Exams must be canceled or rescheduled 2 FULL BUSINESS (does not count weekends or holidays) days before the scheduled appointment time. Failure to cancel or reschedule within this time will result in forfeiting exam fees. (Please note test center exams must be canceled 4 business days in advance as well). Once a change request is submitted there are no refunds. If you decide to move forward and take the exam as scheduled there are no refunds for the change request.
Change your Testing Date, Method of Testing or Exam Category
Candidates who cannot take their currently scheduled examination, have missed their testing date or need to take a different exam - can request a change. Candidates may request to change their examination category, reschedule their testing date or even change their method of testing, provided that they meet the requirements listed below. Candidates are only allowed one change option (e.g. if you reschedule your examination date, you will not be able to change your examination category). All change requests must be approved by NCC, and you may be required to provide additional information. There will be no refund of original fees or Change Request Form fees. If you submit a change request and then take the exam as scheduled or within the original window there are no refunds for the change request. Candidates who fail to take the examination under this change option must re-apply with full fees.
In order to request a change, you must:
- Submit the change request within one calendar year from the first day of your assigned testing window for computer candidates
- Submit a non-refundable fee of $125 with the Change Request Form
- Use the NCC website online Change Request Form (changes requested in any other format, will not be accepted)
Withdrawing Candidates
- Only the applicant/candidate can withdraw from the examination process.
- Candidates withdrawing from a core exam will receive a $160 refund of their $325 payment. Candidates withdrawing from a subspecialty exam will receive a $105 refund of their $210 payment. (Minus any outstanding fees).
- All withdrawal requests must be submitted online at the NCC website BEFORE the final day of the assigned testing window and provided that: --the candidate has not made an appointment to take the exam with PSI/AMP --if the candidate has made an appointment with PSI/AMP, an appointment must be canceled no later than 4 business days prior to the scheduled testing date for test centers and 2 business days prior to the scheduled test date for LRP.
- If you scheduled an appointment you must cancel the appointment directly with PSI/AMP. You must call scheduling and UNSCHEDULE the exam prior to submitting the withdrawal application with NCC or you can click on the scheduling link in your account and cancel the exam. You can call them at 833-256-1426 to unschedule.
- Candidates who have previously submitted a Change Request Form (to change test mode, category, or date of exam) CANNOT subsequently withdraw.
- No refund will be considered after the exam date.
Candidate substitutions cannot be made for any reason. Substitutions CANNOT BE MADE for eligible, ineligible, withdrawn, or candidates who have submitted a Change Request Form.