NCC modules are considered open book, you can go in and out of both the CE test and associated reading materials as long as you don't submit the test. Once submitted, test and reading materials are no longer available for review or revision. You have two opportunities to successfully complete the module. If you want to keep a copy of the reading resource materials for your own personal use or a copy of how you answered the questions, you must save these items BEFORE you submit the test. Once the test is submitted, there is no further access. You can print out the test before you submit it if you want to match your responses when you get your results. Results are only afforded to those who are successful. Otherwise the test will no longer be available once you submit it. There are no refunds or test resets for failed modules.
If you try to purchase a module that you already purchased and earned credit for it, a notice will alert to this fact. If you proceed to buy the module after this warning message, no refunds will be issued. There are no refunds for expired modules.
NCC ONLY offers online modules. Online modules can be printed out -- both reading materials and test. BUT the test must be submitted online. You can read the modules offline and fill out the answers to the test offline and then transfer your answer to the online test for submission.
**NCC CE that is purchased to complete an audit requirement WILL NOT upload to your application. You will upload the NCC CE certificate into your maintenance audit or use the additional submissions portal in your account for this CE to be reviewed. Select Maintenance Application Audit and enter M62461. Please review the audit information at
Reading materials are provided in one of two formats: as a PDF file or via a link to the publisher website to download the materials.
When accessing materials from a publisher website, it is important that:
If accessing from an employer computer, you may be denied access due to your employer's firewall set up. You would need to contact your IT department to disable such firewalls. In many cases, using a different computer for access resolves the conflicting issue. The form of the reading materials are dictated by the publisher and they determine how we can provide access to these copyrighted materials.
There are no refunds, exchanges or transfers for NCC CE modules.