If you are interested in serving as a volunteer for NCC, please review the responsibilities and requirements of each role. Then, update your interests and upload a current copy of your CV/resume under Volunteer Opportunities in your profile. A CV or Resume must be uploaded for you to be considered for a volunteer role. If you have questions please contact Ms. Mehalek at mmehalek@nccnet.org
Update your volunteer interests
Review continuing education modules for accuracy and relevance. You can earn 10 contact hours for donating your professional time. Modules are produced all year round but fall is the busy time for module development. Typical turn around time for a module review is one month.
There is no defined length of service but is based on completion of assignments and continued willingness to serve.
Content Team members are responsible for the development of the NCC certification examinations. There is a content team for each active certification NCC offers. Specific responsibilities include (not all of these tasks are performed each year):
Development and updating of the test outline and competency statements
Review of test items developed by item writers
Pass/fail standard-setting activities (in addition to others)
Review of item statistics from exam administrations and pretest examinations
Approval of the exam forms to be administered
Review of item banks
Review of content validation/task analysis data
Development CCI assessments
Special projects/activities based on content team needs
Content Teams meet once a year at either a face to face or virtual meeting. However, there is homework throughout the year and you can anticipate in addition to meeting time, you will be devoting about 10- 20 hours a year to Content Team activities. It can be more depending on the activities of the Content Team.
Item Writing Team members are responsible for the development of potential test questions based on content for each specialty. There is an item writing team for each active certification NCC offers. New test questions are needed year-round to maintain the item bank and keep our exams up to date. The questions developed will go through a review process by the Content Team members and be pretested prior to being used on an exam.
There is no defined length of service but is based on activity and continued willingness to serve.
Every 5 years, NCC conducts Job Analysis studies followed Standard Setting for each of the NCC
exams. The work for both these groups is led by a Psychometrician. The Job Analysis Team identifies the major domains of practice, the tasks associated with the domains, and the knowledge applied in the performance of the tasks for their specialty or subspecialty. National surveys are completed and the information from these surveys are used to develop or adjust the content outline and test specifications for the certification examination.
Once the Job Analysis is completed and new test grids are developed the content team puts together new exams based on the new test grid. A standard setting team reviews the first exam based on the new grid and identifies which items are “essential” test content for the specialty or subspecialty. The means of all the standard setting team members is used to calculate the new standard or “cut score” for the exams.
The Board of Directors is the policy-making body for the organization
Specific responsibilities include:
The Board meets once a year face to face in Chicago and once virtually. Board members can also have liaison responsibilities to NCC Content Teams, committees or affiliated professional organizations which usually requires travel and 2-3 days of time. Additionally, it can be anticipated Board will devote 5-10 days on review of Board documentation or work carried out between Board meetings.
The term of service is 3 years.
All volunteers should be currently certified by NCC and be in good standing.*
Those holding a core certification must have their continuing competency education plan up to date.
Considerations in the selection of volunteers are based on the activity the volunteer is being asked to assist with and include:
* Experts who are not eligible for NCC certification or hold an active certification in non-NCC certification specialty may be considered on an individual basis.
Update your volunteer interests