Maintain your certification
If you can't maintain on time...
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If you cannot maintain by your maintenance due date, either by continuing education or re-examination, you can request a one-time only, three-month extension for submission of the application without the reinstatement fee. This extends the time needed to file, it does NOT change your current maintenance or next maintenance due date. Your certification is considered lapsed during the extension period. Any requests for verification of credentialed status during this extension period will be reported as lapsed. You can use continuing education earned in the extension period to maintain the extended credential—but cannot use the same CE for your next maintenance cycle.
The 3-month extension due date will align with the next NCC maintenance due date. The extension request must be filed online ONLY by midnight Central Standard Time on your maintenance due date. All requests for extensions require a $30 service fee, There are no refunds for extension requests. Extension requests received after the deadline will not be honored. Those individuals will need to reinstate in order to maintain their credential.
The extension fee can be made by either credit card or check at the NCC website.
Request an extension
Reinstatement of Lapsed NCC Credential
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A reinstatement program is available for individuals who failed to maintain their certification by their maintenance due date. The reinstatement program allows professionals formally credentialed by NCC to come back into the system without re-examination. This program is time sensitive and must be completed within the 12 month period following the missed maintenance date and by that quarter’s due date (see your specific date by going to your account). You must submit the application by midnight central standard time.
NCC makes every effort to apprise individuals that their certification maintenance is lapsed and they have a limited time to reinstate. NCC does this out of courtesy, not as a matter of obligation. It is up to the individual certified to know when it is time to maintain or reinstate if lapsed. During the course of the year prior to the reinstatement due date and based on information submitted by the certified individual, NCC makes an effort to alert those affected of their reinstatement date via email. It is your responsibility to ensure your email is up-to-date at all times.
Requirements for reinstatement
- You must complete all maintenance/reinstatement requirements
- You must hold a current, active/unencumbered license in the US or Canada as outlined on the eligibility for the certification you plan to reinstate.
- For core certification, you will need to complete a 50-hour education plan earning CE across all core competency areas. Any previous education plan generated when the certification was active will not apply.
- For subspecialty certificates, you will need to complete 15 hours of CE in the subspecialty area.
- Use of Life Support Programs is limited. To use ALSO/ALSO-OB; NRP or PALS please review the following criteria: Use of Life Support Programs for Maintenance or Reinstatement. The CE certificate must be uploaded with the application (Certificates of Completion are not accepted). Only 5 CE can be applied.
- Pay the reinstatement fee ($215 for core certifications, $145 for subspecialty certifications)
- Payment can be by credit card or check at the NCC website. Please note that this may show up as "Paypal" on your bank account or credit card.
- Submit your request online by the due date stated above
- The Conference or Program Agenda with the lecture descriptions, along with the CE certificates, demonstrating the CE earned must be uploaded with the application. Certificates of completion are not accepted.
- Reinstatement applications are randomly audited and you must upload your Conference or Program Agenda with the lecture descriptions, along with the CE certificates, demonstrating the CE earned.
- NCC CE modules are automatically uploaded to your account and CE certificates and descriptions are not required.
- You must update and upload a copy of your license or license verification from the licensing board that includes the Licensing state, your name, type of license, expiration of license and the website if it is from a verification portal. Sign in and click on "Update Profile", on the right click on "Professional INFO" to update your license information.
Important notes
- Your credential has lapsed until you reinstate it - your credential is NOT extended
- Verification of your certification or subspecialty certification will be reported as lapsed until you reinstate.
- Reinstatement applications must be filed online - no mail-in applications will be accepted.
- There are no refunds for any reinstatement fees.
- This program is time sensitive and must be completed within the 12-month period following the missed maintenance date and by that quarter’s due date (see above for specific dates).
- If you fail to file within the stated time period, you can ONLY regain your credentialed status by reexamination (if available) and you must meet the current eligibility criteria.
- You can use CE earned during the reinstatement period for this maintenance cycle - but cannot use the same CE for your next maintenance cycle.
- Reinstatement does not extend your next maintenance cycle - if successfully reinstated, the next maintenance date remains unchanged from the original maintenance due date.
Begin reinstatement of credential application