Is my CE acceptable? - Specialty Codes

Specialties » Inpatient Obstetric Nursing (INP)

Inpatient Obstetric Nursing » Fetal Assessment (Code 1)


Fetal Assessment

  • Antepartum Assessment
  • Electronic Fetal Monitoring
  • Non-electronic fetal monitoring,
  • Acid-base assessment
  • Fetal and Placental Development


Acid-base assessment
Acoustic stimulation
Amniotic fluid index
Antepartum Assessment
Biochemical fetal markers
Biophysical and Modified Biophysical Profile
Contraction stress test
Cord blood sampling
Doppler flow studies
Electronic fetal monitoring (artifact, signal ambiguity)
Electronic fetal monitoring (baseline, variability, accelerations, decelerations, sinusoidal pattern)
Fetal and placental development
Fetal blood sampling
Fetal fibronectin testing
Fetal heart rate dysrhythmias
Fetal heart rate pattern interpretation (Category I, II, III)
Fetal lung maturation studies
Fetal movement assessment
Fetal stimulation (vibroacoustic, scalp)
Gestational age assessment
Intermittent auscultation/doppler
Intrauterine resuscitation
Kleihauer-Betke test
Maternal serum markers/screening
NICHD categories and terminology
Non-electronic Fetal Monitoring
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) and AFP
Non-stress testing (NST)
Nuchal translucency
Percutaneous blood sampling
Prenatal diagnosis
Prenatal screening tests
Umbilical cord blood gases
Uterine activity assessment (normal, hypotonus, tachysystole)