Is my CE acceptable? - Specialty Codes

Specialties » Inpatient Obstetric Nursing (INP)

Inpatient Obstetric Nursing » Labor and Birth (Code 2)


Labor and Birth

  • Physiology of Labor
  • Labor Management
  • Obstetrical Procedures
  • Pain Management


Active management of labor - positions, and support
Anesthesia during labor
Augmentation of labor
Bishop score
Cervical ripening
Cesarean birth - indications, complications, patient management
Childbirth education
Cultural assessment
Deep tendon reflex assessment
Dysfunctional labor
Eating and drinking in labor
Epidural anesthesia
External version
Failure to progress
Fluid electrolyte management in labor
Forceps Delivery
Herpes management in Labor and Delivery
Hypotonic/hypertonic labor
Induction of labor - indications, complications, methods, and patient management
Insulin management in labor/Delivery
Intraamniotic infection
Intrauterine resuscitation
Labor - management, physiology, progress, positions, and labor support
Labor curves
Labor dystocia
Leopold maneuvers
Maternal pregnancy physiology
Obstetric triage
Obstetrical Procedures
Operative vaginal birth
Oxygen administration
Oxytocin administration
Pain relief - pharmacologic, nonpharmacologic, complications
Physical assessment in labor, abdominal, vaginal, etc.
Post anesthesia care
Regional anesthesia
Rupture of membranes
Screening physical exam for admission to labor & delivery
Shoulder dystocia
Stages of labor
Steroid administration
Suprapubic pressure
True vs. false labor
Uteroplacental physiology
Vacuum-assisted delivery
Vaginal examination
Water intoxication