Is my CE acceptable? - Specialty Codes

Specialties » Inpatient Obstetric Nursing (INP)

Inpatient Obstetric Nursing » Newborn (Code 5)



  • Adaptation to Extrauterine Life
  • Resuscitation and Stabilization
  • Physical assessment
  • Pathophysiologic Conditions
  • Infant Nutrition


Adaptation to Extrauterine Life
AIDS and HIV infections
Anemia in the Newborn
Behavioral assessment of the Newborn
Birth injuries/trauma in the neonate
Brachial plexus injuries
Cardiovascular disorders in the neonate
Down syndrome - neonatal characteristics, risks
Drug withdrawal in the infant
Gastrointestinal disorders in the neonate
Glucose regulation in the neonate
Hypoglycemia in the neonate
Infant Nutrition
Infant of a diabetic mother (IDM)
Infant of drug using mother
Infections in the Newborn
Intrauterine growth restriction effects
Jaundice in the neonate
Late preterm infant
Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS)
Neonatal Complications in immediate Newborn period
Neonatal physiologic transition
Neurological assessment and care of the newborn
Newborn nutrition
Newborn screening tests
Newborn Complications
Newborn injury - sudden unexplained postnatal collapse, falls
Physical assessment of the newborn
Polycythemia in the neonate
Respiratory disorders in the neonate
Resuscitation and stabilization
Rh disease in Newborn
Sepsis in the neonate
Temperature disturbances in the neonate
Thermoregulation in the neonate