Is my CE acceptable? - Specialty Codes

Specialties » High Risk Obstetric Nursing (HRO)

High Risk Obstetric Nursing » Physical Assessment,Physiology and Diagnostic and Laboratory Evaluation (Code 18)


This specialty code relates to the altered physiology, anatomy and diagnostic studies associated with a complicated pregnancy.


ABO and antibodies
Apt testing
Biochemical studies
Biophysical profile
CBC with differential
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
Coagulation profile
Cord blood sampling
EKG interpretation
Fetal Anatomy and Physiology
Fetal blood sampling
Fetal laboratory evaluation
Fetal pulmonary maturity studies
Genetic screening
Hematologic studies
Immunologic studies
Kleihauer Betke test
Maternal Anatomy and Physiology
Maternal Chest and renal X-ray
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
Maternal ultrasound
Microbiologic studies
Nonstress testing
Papanicolaou smears
Placental function
Placental hormones
Pulmonary function tests
Pulse Oximetry
STD screening and testing
Tuberculosis testing
V/Q scan
Vaginal cultures
Viral studies