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You can use a PC or Apple (MAC) computer to take the Continuing Competency Assessment. Use of modern-day browsers is recommended, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge. If you have difficulty with a particular browser, try with another one. If your computer does not meet these system requirements, you will need to find a computer that does. There is no paper and pencil version of the assessment.
Most modern-day browsers will work. Google Chrome is recommended browser. Some browsers may need additional updates. Most MAC browsers can be used.
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If you have any difficulty launching the assessment, make sure your cookies are enabled, you have no filters in place (especially pop-up filters) and you are using the latest version of your browser. If you continue to have difficulty, try a different browser or you may have to use a different computer to access it. Work-related computers often times have firewalls that will block your access to the locked browser feature of the assessment that make it a secure platform. Rebooting your computer before you re-access can also be beneficial.
Sometimes the launch access link gets minimized to a toolbar when selected depending on the browser you are using. If this happens all you have to do is select the link on the toolbar to have the assessment launch.
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If you accidentally exit out during the assessment or you get disconnected from the internet, you can try re-accessing the assessment the same way you did the first time using the take assessment link within your account profile. If it is no longer available to you, email us at CONTACT US. As long as you have time remaining for the assessment, you should be able to re-access. Rebooting your computer before you re-access can also be beneficial.
If you have any difficulty launching the assessment, make sure your cookies are enabled, you have no filters in place (especially pop-up filters) and you are using the latest version of your browser. If you continue to have difficulty, try a different browser or you may have to use a different computer to access it. Work-related computers often times have firewalls that will block your access to the locked browser feature of the assessment that make it a secure platform
This can occur for Firefox users. If you get a message regarding missing files, this means it is loading the launching files to your download files and you should switch to Internet Explorer to bypass this issue.
The easiest way to resolve this is to click on the review button and select the answer from the review mode. Then resume the assessment in the test or review format.
Yes, you can take on a Mac.
This is usually due to your personal computer setting. Check your screen resolution/display, zoom feature or magnifier setting and adjust them according if you have difficulty discerning the graphics or pictures.