NCC Celebrates Certified Nurses Everywhere! Happy Certified Nurses Day - March 19, 2024 March 1, 2024

The last few years have shown us the continued importance of nurses and other health care professionals.  Whether at a hospital, clinic, home, long-term care facility, or patient transport, we depend on knowledgeable, skilled, and compassionate professionals. Nurses are committed to giving safe, high-quality care no matter what the setting, and it is important for the public to know they can trust those caring for them and their loved ones during their most vulnerable times.
Certified nurses have demonstrated specialized knowledge and are dedicated to keeping that knowledge current.  Their commitment to excellence and ongoing professional development is key to patient trust, and they are to be celebrated.  

NCC honors all nurses and health care professionals who continue to validate their expertise and knowledge in their specialty.  We salute these experts in their field.
Happy Certified Nurses Day!!

Nurses are the foremost providers of care throughout the health care system. . . . Nurses certified in their clinical specialties serve as agents of change and advocates of best practice for the patients they serve. 
--Robin L. Bissinger, PhD, APRN, NNP-BC, FAAN, NCC Chief Executive Officer.

Certified Nurses and Certified Advanced Practice Nurses. . .

  • meet and exceed nationally recognized standards of proficiency and professionalism
  • are clinical experts - dedicated to providing quality, evidence-based clinical care
  • have gone beyond licensure to validate their expertise and specialty knowledge through a rigorous national examination
  • are committed to continuing competency, patient advocacy, and professional practice
  • maintain their specialty knowledge through specialized continuing education and continuing competency initiatives

NCC recognizes the commitment and demonstrated expertise of these professionals and has awarded more than 215,000 certifications in the obstetric, neonatal, and women's health care specialties. Visit the NCC YouTube Channel to view and share PSAs showing the importance of certified nurses. 
NCC has several stores through CafePress that offer various specialty sayings and products showing pride in certification.
Certified Nurses Make a Difference
Certified Nurses are Everywhere

What is Certified Nurses’ Day?
Certified Nurses Day is March 19, the birthday of Margretta ‘Gretta' Madden Styles, the renowned expert of nurse credentialing.

Styles designed the first comprehensive study of nurse credentialing and was an accomplished advocate for nursing standards and certification. She spent more than two decades advancing nursing practice and regulation.

Certified Nurses Day is a national day to honor and recognize the important achievements of Certified Nurses.