NCC Celebrates Perinatal Nurses Everywhere! Happy Perinatal Nurses Week – October 10-16, 2023 September 17, 2023

Perinatal Nurses care for pregnant women through birth and postpartum along with their infants and families.  Since March of 2020, perinatal nurses have had to protect expecting women and their families within a health care system that had to be completely refocused. Visitation practices had to change to communicate with families in other ways such as video visits instead of face-to-face time.  In addition, perinatal nurses had to help parents navigate a new world with protective equipment for parents which in many cases interfered with skin-to-skin care and impacted parent-infant bonding.

Practice changed in the antepartum, obstetric, and neonatal units with social distancing not only for families but for staff and colleagues. With overcrowded hospitals, some units had to send perinatal nurses to other units to care for patients as the nursing shortage in the hospitals was distributed to all areas.  Nurses were challenged by the pandemic not only in the workplace but in the community and at home. This year we celebrate all nurses, but this week we celebrate Perinatal Nurses who never backed down from the challenge. 

Florence Nightingale once said, “Let us consider that we are never done as nurses…we must be learning all of our lives.”  Ms. Nightingale would have celebrated all nurses who accepted the challenges that a worldwide pandemic brought and never ran from the fight. Nightingale was a leader who demonstrated a passion for nursing with a commitment to speak out, educate and change health care. Perinatal Nurses share this same passion and demonstrate this same commitment to the patients and families they serve. 

NCC honors all nurses and health care providers who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to take care of their patients in very difficult circumstances.  We are pleased to recognize all Perinatal Nurses who have demonstrated their expertise in their field and creatively found ways to keep their patients and families together.  

Happy Perinatal Nurses Week!!

NCC is a national certification corporation that recognizes the commitment and demonstrated expertise of these professionals and has awarded more than 207,000 certifications in the obstetric, neonatal, and women's health care specialties. Visit the NCC YouTube Channel to view and share PSAs showing the importance of certified nurses.  The NCC C E R T I F I E D  and Certified Nurses Make a Difference stores have a variety of products with different mottos that show pride in certification.