Handbook of Neonatal Neurology - The reviews are in and they are EXCELLENT! October 15, 2024

Created because Every NICU is a Neuro-NICU!

This handbook represents expertise from specialists throughout the USA and Canada. It will assist health care providers in their understanding and care of neurologically compromised and at-risk neonates.

Jay P. Goldsmith, MD of Tulane University School of Medicine and author of “Assisted Ventilation of the Neonate” reviewed and provided his assessment.  Dr. Goldsmith states:
...  it is the "Gomella" (the go-to handbook for general neonatology) for neonatal neurology. It should become the reference handbook for "brain care" in all NICUs.
... This is a unique book with no truly comparable book for comparison. It presents the day-to-day aspects of neonatal neurology care in a concise and well-organized manner.
... This book should become a standard reference in every neonatal intensive care unit.

Doody’s Book Review Service gives the Handbook of Neonatal Neurology a score of 96!

Handbook of Neonatal Neurology
ISBN: 978-0-9890198-6-6
Available at: Amazon.com

Read below for the full review!


Bissinger, Robin L., PhD, APRN, NNP-BC, FAAN; Fanning, Bresney A., MSN, Med-MESA, NNP-BC, C-NNIC, C-ELBW; Limjoco, Jamie J., MD, MS, MMM; Peeples, Eric S., MD, PhD, C-NNIC

ISBN: 978-0-9890198-6-6, 386 pages, soft cover.  

Jay P. Goldsmith, MD(Tulane University School of Medicine)

The National Certification Corporation edited and produced this book. The four editors are two NNPs and two neonatologists. Initially, this book on neonatal neurology seems aimed at nurses and nurse practitioners, but on deeper inspection it is the "Gomella" (the go-to handbook for general neonatology) for neonatal neurology. It should become the reference handbook for "brain care" in all NICUs.

The purpose of the book is to help neonatal providers understand and treat the neurologic aspects of babies in their care. This includes virtually all neurologic abnormalities of neonates as well as the normal development and supporting brain care during other aspects of neonatal diseases. These are worthy objectives well met by this book.

The concise outline approach of this book is similar to other neonatal handbooks and the comprehensive nature of the subject matter makes this book appropriate for all neonatal caretakers, including attendings and resident staff. The editors and 33 contributing authors represent expertise in neonatology, nursing, neurology and neurosurgery from around the U.S. and Canada.

The book is divided into 19 chapters which cover all aspects of neonatal neurology in an outline format. The first two chapters cover central nervous system development and evaluation and then the subsequent chapters cover all aspects of neonatal neurology including congenital anomalies, trauma, asphyxia, stroke, and seizures. The book also addresses aspects of pain management, neuromonitoring, and opioid withdrawal syndrome. The concluding chapter deals with ethical, legal, and palliative care considerations. The book has excellent tables and a few colored illustrations. The radiologic pictures are clear and easy to understand. This next edition of the book might be enhanced with the addition of a CD or internet link to see videos of neurologic evaluations, performance of a Sarnat or Thompson evaluation, and different types of seizures. A chapter on emergency evaluation of neonatal CNS symptoms (similar to Gomella's "On Call" section) might also be very helpful.

This is a unique book with no truly comparable book for comparison. It presents the day-to-day aspects of neonatal neurology care in a concise and well-organized manner. Other neonatal neurology texts such as Volpe's Neurology of the Newborn, 7th Edition, Volpe and Inder (Elsevier, 2024) are much more oriented to biology, biochemistry, and pathophysiology. They are references for a library and not practical for daily use like this soft-covered handbook which can be kept close by for reference. This book should become a standard reference in every neonatal intensive care unit. 


Weighted Numerical Score: 96 - 4 Stars!