These CE modules will be discontinued at the end of the year.
NCC adds new modules throughout the year and expires modules at the end of every year, keeping educational offerings current and relevant. The expiration date for each module is posted on the order page.
Below are the modules that will expire on December 31, 2024.
These modules must be completed before 11:59 pm CST on 12/31/2024. If you have uncompleted WB24 modules, make sure to complete the post-tests before they expire. [CE certificates do not expire]
WB2401 Antepartum Fetal Evaluation
WB2412 NRP 8th Edition-Time for Implementation
WB2420 Emerging Perspectives About Neonatal Sepsis
WB2442 Toward Evidence-Based Prevention & Diagnosis of NEC in the Neonate
WB2444 Updated Look at Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
WB2445 Time to Revisit Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
WB2451 Focus on Neonatal Neurological Disorders
WB2453 Hemodynamically Speaking from a Neonatal Perspective
WB2456 The Role of Cord Clamping in the Birthing Process
WB2461 Sudden Unexpected Postnatal Collapse in Newborns and Other Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths
WB2462 Neonatal Thermoregulation-Still A Heartwarming Topic
WB2463 Neonatal Glucose Balancing Act
WB2409 Prenatal Alcohol Exposure-Assess and Intervene
WB2414 Common Breastfeeding Conditions and Problems
WB2440 Essentials of the Newborn Physical Examination
WB2441 Factors Impacting Term Newborn Level of Care Needs at Birth
WB2443 Parent Talk-Essential Conversations at Critical Points in Care
WB2459 Mutations and Viral Variants Galore: SARS-CoV-2
WB2405 Common Issues in Obstetric Care
WB2407 Postpartum Physiology and Immediate and Long Term Care
WB2408 Postpartum Perineal and Pelvic Floor Complications
WB2411 Labor Pain Management
WB2416 Ectopic Pregnancy
WB2417 Complexities and Challenges of the Complicated Pregnancy
WB2418 Approaches to Antenatal Assessment
WB2423 Preventing Preeclampsia
WB2424 Low Volume High Risk Obstetric Conditions
WB2425 The Complicated Postpartum Period
WB2431 Intrapartum Emergent Conditions
WB2436 Clinical Challenges in Postpartum Care
WB2437 A Postpartum Medley-Issues Affecting the Postpartum Period
WB2439 Post Delivery Issues and Complications
WB2447 The Birthing Process
WB2450 Topical Issues in Fetal Assessment
WB2452 Uterotonics and Tocolytics
WB2460 Fetal and Neonatal Effects of Maternally-Acquired Infections
WB2455 Common & Not So Common Pediatric Transport Encounters
WB2403 Diabetes and Its Therapies
WB2415 Principles of Drug Use During Lactation
WB2430 Pharmacokinetics in Pregnancy
WB2432 Managing Pain During Pregnancy and Lactation
WB2433 Special Considerations When Prescribing Medications
WB2438 Exploring Neonatal Analgesia and Sedation Concerns
WB2454 Evolving Medication Use in Neonates
WB2421 Gastrointestinal Disorders in Primary Care
WB2404 Implicit Bias in Health Care-Approaches Supporting Recognition and Intervention
WB2410 Taking on Research in Your Practice
WB2413 The Pursuit of Patient Safety and Quality in Obstetrics
WB2434 Professional Practice Hodgepodge
WB2435 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Focus On Improving Patient Safety and Quality
WB2402 Male Reproductive Physiology
WB2419 Telemedicine Bringing Gynecologic Healthcare to the Patient
WB2427 Managing Gynecologic Disorders
WB2428 Cardiometabolic Aspects of Menopause
WB2429 Addressing Infertility
WB2446 General Assessment and Testing in Women's Health
WB2448 Menstrual Aberrations and Their Underlying Causes
If you hold a CORE certification… Remember to take your specialty assessment - before earning CE! - make sure any CE planned for NCC maintenance is appropriate for your education plan!