Reinstatement of Lapsed NCC Credential

Reinstatement is an option to regain your certification once it has lapsed. You can reinstate up to 12 months after your original certification maintenance due date. After that time, you must retest and meet the current exam eligibility criteria. If you hold a legacy certification (one that is no longer offered), retesting is not an option. If you fail to reinstate, your certification will permanently lapse.

Your certification will be reported as lapsed to third parties during the reinstatement period. Your certification is not active until you reinstate. The one year reinstatement period is the time given to file an application. Your certification is NOT extended. It is lapsed until you reinstate.

Reinstatement requirements

  • For core certifications, 50 hours of CE in each of the core competency areas of your certification specialty is required which must be formally accredited - see core maintenance page under the certification maintenance tab for recognized accrediting agencies. Any prior CCI assessment education plans are null and void.
  • No assessment is required for reinstatement as you are required to met CE requirements of standard 50 hour plan.
  • For subspecialty certificates, 15 contact hours of CE in the subspecialty area is required which must be formally accredited - see the subspecialty maintenance page under the certification maintenance tab for recognized accrediting agencies
  • Click on specialty hour determination on the left hand column of this page to review what is considered specialty content for your certification.
  • You must be currently licensed to reinstate.
  • You can use CE earned during the reinstatement period for this cycle of maintenance but you can’t use the same CE for the next cycle
  • Your next maintenance due date does not change. Reinstatement does not extend your next maintenance cycle.
  • Verification of your certification will reported as lapsed until you reinstate.
  • You have 12 months from your original maintenance due date to file your reinstatement application. If you fail to do so, you can regain your certification only by retesting and you must meet current eligibility criteria which may be different than when you were originally certified.
  • You must file online. No mail reinstatement applications will be accepted.
  • Copies of CE certificates are not required unless you are audited.
  • Reinstatement fee for core certification is $215.
  • Reinstatement fee for subspecialty certificates is $145.
  • There are no refunds for any maintenance, reinstatement or extension fees.

Apply for Reinstatement